
We are now able to host baptisms as restrictions have been lifted.

Baptism marks entry into the Christian Church. It is a sign of God’s gracious love and should be the beginning of a life of Christian discipleship. It is not merely a social occasion but a specifically Christian act. Baptism is a “sacrament” – a means of conveying God’s love to us.

Almost all Christian churches practice Baptism, and those who are baptised in the Methodist church are part of the worldwide Church of Christ. Baptism is a sign of belonging to Jesus and beginning a journey of faith with him.’ (from All this for you – the meaning of Baptism in the Methodist Church © Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes 2004)
An older child, young person or adult can understand and accept this love for themselves. But when a baby or small child is baptised, the child is held in the faith of others.

Baptism of a baby or young child

Young children are baptized on the understanding that they will be brought up in the fellowship of the Church and taught the Christian faith. The hope and prayer is that they will grow up to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, to enter fully into the Church’s life, and to serve Christ in the world.
A little child cannot understand any of this, so parents have a vitally important role to play. They are asked to make solemn promises, which they should then endeavour to keep in the years that lie ahead. There are three promises the parents and God Parents are asked.

The following is a quotation from the service:

‘Will you love these your children, committing yourselves to care for them in body, mind and spirit?
Answer: With God’s help we will.
Will you, therefore, ensure that they are nurtured in the faith and life of the Christian community?
Answer: With God’s help we will.
Will you set before them a Christian example, that through your prayers, words and deeds, they may learn the way of Christ?
Answer: With God’s help we will.’

What to do next?

If you are interested in being baptised yourself or having your child baptised (‘christened’) then please contact our Minister Alan on 01213550079, who will help you understand more about what is involved.
Normally Baptisms take place in morning worship so the congregation of the church can express their support for the person being baptised and their family.
There is no charge for Baptism.