


Prayer changes things! “Pray without ceasing” was an initiative of the Methodist Church in 2005/6, and Christians are encouraged to maintain contact with God through an active prayer life all the time. Prayer is not something reserved for Sunday services.

There are some times when we pray together, and you will be very welcome to join with us. These times include our regular Sunday services,  Our Fellowship Groups usually include a time of prayer together when they meet.
If you cannot join us for one of these opportunities to pray, you can always send us your prayer request by email at

We pray for people in public worship in the Sunday Services.

If you would like someone to pray with you please contact the minister and they will arrange a time to come and pray with you.
From time to time we have events that are especially focused on prayer or which deal with prayer in a particular way. Watch out for these on the Church Calendar page. You will be very welcome to join any of these events.

Perhaps you would like to visit the Daily Prayer page of the Methodist Church website for daily inspiration for your own conversation with God and for resources for Creative Prayer.